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OpenInteract2::File - Safe filesystem operations for OpenInteract


 use OpenInteract2::File;
 my $filename = OpenInteract2::File->create_filename( 'conf/server.ini' );
 my $filename = OpenInteract2::File->create_filename( 'uploads/myfile.exe' );
 # These two save to the same file
 my $filename = OpenInteract2::File->save_file( $fh, 'myfile.exe' );
 my $filename = OpenInteract2::File->save_file( $fh, 'uploads/myfile.exe', 'true' );
 # This one wants to write to the same file but doesn't pass a true
 # value for overwriting, so it writes to 'uploads/myfile_x1.exe'
 my $filename = OpenInteract2::File->save_file( $fh, 'uploads/myfile.exe' );
 # See if a particular file already exists
 if ( OpenInteract2::File->check_filename( 'uploads/myfile.exe' ) ) {
     print "That file already exists!";
 # Get the MIME type of content...
 # ...read in from a file
 my $type = OpenInteract2::File->get_mime_type({ content => $content });
 # ...in a filehandle
 my $type = OpenInteract2::File->get_mime_type({ filehandle => $fh });
 # ...specified by a filename
 my $type = OpenInteract2::File->get_mime_type({ filename => 'uploads


We want to ensure that OpenInteract does not write to any file outside its configured website_directory. We also want to make it easy to find files inside a site. This module accomplishes both, and in an OS-independent manner.


Class Methods

create_filename( $filename )

Creates a "safe" filename for $filename. Generally, this means that if there is a directory specified in $filename, the method ensures that it is under the configured 'website_dir'. If the leading directory is not found at the top level of the website directory, we assume that you want to save it to a subdirectory under the upload directory (typically 'upload') and create the path as necessary.

The goal is that we never, ever want to save a file outside the configured 'website_dir'. If this is a problem for your use, simply read or save the file yourself or save the file using the save_file() method and use the return value to rename it to your desired location.

Here are some examples from the test suite:

 Website root: /home/httpd/mysite
 Given                   Result
 myfile.txt              /home/httpd/mysite/uploads/myfile.txt
 otherdir/myfile.txt     /home/httpd/mysite/uploads/otherdir/myfile.txt
 html/myfile.txt         /home/httpd/mysite/html/myfile.txt
 html/images/sharpie.gif /home/httpd/mysite/html/images/sharpie.gif
 /dingdong/myfile.txt    /home/httpd/mysite/uploads/dingdong/myfile.txt

check_filename( $filename )

Retrieves a full path to $filename, or undef if the file does not exist. The $filename is assumed to be under the website directory and is checked according to the rules in create_filename().

Note that you cannot rely on this method to ensure a file will be named the same with a successive call to save_file(). For instance, in the following snippet $filename is not guaranteed to be named .../uploads/myfile.exe:

 if ( OpenInteract2::File->check_filename( 'uploads/myfile.exe' ) ) {
     my $filename = OpenInteract2::File->save_file( $fh, 'uploads/myfile.exe' );

Why not? Another process could have written the file 'uploads/myfile.exe' in between the call to check_filename() and the call to save_file(). Therefore you should always check the return value.

Returns: true if $filename exists under the website directory, false if not.

save_file( $filehandle, $filename[, $do_overwrite ] )

Saves $filehandle to $filename, ensuring first that $filename is 'safe' as determined by create_filename(). If a true value for $do_overwrite is passed then we will overwrite any existing file by the same name. Otherwise we try to create versions of the same name until one is found that will work properly.

 my $file_a = OpenInteract2::File->save_file( $fh, 'logo.gif' ); # saves to 'uploads/logo.gif'
 my $file_b = OpenInteract2::File->save_file( $fh, 'logo.gif' ); # saves to 'uploads/logo_x1.gif'
 my $file_c = OpenInteract2::File->save_file( $fh, 'logo.gif' ); # saves to 'uploads/logo_x2.gif'

Returns: The full path to the file saved

get_mime_type( \%params )

Get the MIME type for the item which can be specified in \%params by:

If none of these parameters are specified an exception is thrown.

Returns: a valid MIME type if one can be discerned.




Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>

Generated from the OpenInteract 1.99_03 source.

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