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Apache::OpenInteract2 - OpenInteract2 Content handler for Apache 1.x


 # Need to tell Apache to run an initialization script
 PerlRequire /path/to/my/site/conf/startup.pl
 # In httpd.conf file (or 'Include'd virtual host file)
 <Location />
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::OpenInteract2


This external interface to OpenInteract2 just sets up the OpenInteract2::Request and OpenInteract2::Response objects, creates an OpenInteract2::Controller and retrieves the content from it, then sets the content in the response and returns the proper error code to make Apache happy.


Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.


Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>

Generated from the OpenInteract 1.99_03 source.

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