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OpenInteract2::Util - Package of routines that do not really fit anywhere else


 # Send a mail message from anywhere in the system
 eval { OpenInteract2::Util->send_mail({ to      => 'dingdong@nutty.com',
                                        from    => 'whynot@metoo.com',
                                        subject => 'wassup?',
                                        message => 'we must get down' }) };
 if ( $@ ) {
     warn "Mail not sent! Reason: $@";
 # Send a mail message with an attachment from anywhere in the system
 eval { OpenInteract2::Util->send_mail({ to      => 'dingdong@nutty.com',
                                        from    => 'whynot@metoo.com',
                                        subject => 'wassup?',
                                        message => 'we must get down',
                                        attach  => 'uploads/data/item4.pdf' }) };
 if ( $@ ) {
     warn "Mail not sent! Reason: $@";


This class currently implments utilities for sending email. Note: In the future the mailing methods may move into a separate class (e.g., OpenInteract2::Mailer)


now( \%params )

Returns a formatted string representing right now.



Returns today's date in a string formatted '%Y-%m-%d', e.g., '2003-04-01' for April 1, 2003.


send_email( \% )

Sends an email with the parameters you specify.

On success: returns a true value;

On failure: throws OpenInteract2::Exception with message containing the reason for the failure.

The parameters used are:


You can specify any type or size of file.

Example usages

 # Send a christmas list
 eval { OpenInteract2::Util->send_mail({
                         to      => 'santa@xmas.com',
                         subject => 'gimme gimme!',
                         message => join "\n", @xmas_list }) };
 if ( $@ ) {
   my $ei = OpenInteract2::Error->get;
   carp "Failed to send an email! Error: $ei->{system_msg}\n",
        "Mail to: $ei->{extra}{to}\nMessage: $ei->{extra}{message}";
 # Send a really fancy christmas list
 eval { OpenInteract2::Util->send_mail({
                         to      => 'santa@xmas.com',
                         subject => 'Regarding needs for this year',
                         message => 'Attached is my Christmas list. ' .
                                    'Please acknowlege with fax.',
                         attach  => [ 'lists/my_xmas_list-1.39.pdf' ] }) };
 if ( $@ ) {
   my $ei = OpenInteract2::Error->get;
   carp "Failed to send an email! Error: $ei->{system_msg}\n",
        "Mail to: $ei->{extra}{to}\nMessage: $ei->{extra}{message}";
 # Send an invoice for a customer; if it fails, throw an error which
 # propogates an alert queue for customer service reps
 eval { OpenInteract2::Util->send_mail({
                         to      => $customer->{email},
                         subject => "Order Reciept: #$order->{order_number}",
                         message => $myclass->create_invoice( $order ) }) };


verbose_to_level( $verbose_security_level )

Translate a verbose security level (e.g., 'NONE', 'SUMMARY', 'READ', 'WRITE') into the relevant constant value from SPOPS::Secure. If $verbose_security_level doesn't match up to one, undef is returned.


Spool email option

Instead of sending the email immediately, provide the option for saving the mail information to a spool directory ($CONFIG->{dir}{mail}) for later processing.

Also, have the option for spooling the mail on a sending error as well so someone can go back to the directory, edit it and resubmit it for processing.

Additional options

In the server configuration file, be able to do something like:

[mail] smtp_host = admin_email = admin@mycompany.com content_email = content@mycompany.com max_size = 3000 # in KB header = email_header # template name footer = email_footer # template name

And have emails with a size > 'max_size' get rejected (or spooled), while all outgoing emails (unless otherwise specified) get the header and footer templates around the content.





Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>

Generated from the OpenInteract 1.99_04 source.

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