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OpenInteract2::Log - Initialization for log4p logger


 # Use the log in a website
 OpenInteract2::Log->init_from_website( $website_dir );
 # Create a log on the fly, using the default level, saved to file
 # 'oi2_tests.log'
 my $logfile = 'oi2_tests.log';
 OpenInteract2::Log->init_file( $logfile );
 # Same, but using 'info' as level
 use Log::Log4perl qw( :levels );
 OpenInteract2::Log->init_file( $logfile, $INFO );
 # Create a log on the fly, sent to the screen
 # Same, but using 'info' as level
 OpenInteract2::Log->init_screen( $INFO );


This just contains some centralized initialization methods so that Log::Log4perl is initialized and happy.

init_from_website( $website_dir )

Reads in the configuration file at $website_dir/conf/log4perl.conf and initializes the logger with it.

init_file( $file, [ $root_logger_level ] )

Initializes the root logger to append its messages to $file at the level $root_logger_level (as exported by Log::Log4perl. If the level is not provided '$WARN' is used.

If $file not given behaves as init_screen().

init_screen( [ $root_logger_level ] )

Initializes the root logger to write its messages to the screen at the level $root_logger_level (as exported by Log::Log4perl. If the level is not provided '$WARN' is used.


Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.


Chris Winters <chris@cwinters.com>

Generated from the OpenInteract 1.99_04 source.

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